About Blackjack Power Swivels
A Leading Oilfield Rental Equipment Provider
Blackjack Power Swivels is recognized as a leading oilfield rental equipment provider, consistently delivering exceptional service throughout California, from Redding to Santa Fe Springs, with locations in Bakersfield, Paso Robles, Lost Hills, and Ventura. Blackjack provides innovation with high quality custom built Power Swivels, Circulating Mud Pumps, and Drill Collar Trailers. In addition we provide a broad range of Wash Tools, Tubing Swivels, PGSR Heads, Casing Scrapers, Bits and Mills. We continually strive to develop products, services and solutions that optimize our customer performance in a safe and professional manner. We aggressively stay abreast of customer needs by continuously updating and transforming our equipment inventory, thereby allowing our customers to better utilize their capital rather than have sunk cost in equipment that is not core to their operations. Blackjack has demonstrable safety and compliance records, supervisors undergo extensive training and certification to ensure every customer will receive the best expert service available.